Bulletin n. 1/2013
June 2013
  • Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government
  • Section B) Global governance and international organizations
  • Section C) Regional integration processes
  • Section D) Federalism as a political idea
  • Gegout Catherine
    Le retrait de l’Europe et la montée en puissance de la Chine en Afrique. Une évaluation des approches réalistes, libérales et constructivistes
    in Politique européenne , n. 39, 2013/1 ,  2013 ,  44-75
    Both China and Europe (the European Union and its member states) are economic and security actors in Africa. China’s trade with Africa gained importance inthe early 2000s. In the security field, China started taking part in United Nations peacekeeping missions in the region in the late 1980s. European states, for their part, have a history of presence on the African continent, and the EU began to deploy troops in Africa in 2003. Despite similar interests in Africa, there is hardly any cooperation between European actors and China. This paper shows that although European and Chinese actors differ in their policies when they address security and political issues in Africa, they nonetheless have increasingly similar economic policies. Realist and liberal approaches seem more appropriate than the constructivist approach in order to understand European and Chinese foreign policies towards the African continent.
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