Bulletin n. 1/2013
June 2013
  • Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government
  • Section B) Global governance and international organizations
  • Section C) Regional integration processes
  • Section D) Federalism as a political idea
  • Lindley Anna
    Displacement in contested places: governance, movement and settlement in the Somali territories
    in Journal of Eastern African Studies , Volume 7, Issue 2, Special Issue: Effects of 'statelessness': dynamics of Somali politics, economy and society since 1991 ,  2013 ,  291-313
    South–central Somalia is the epicentre of one of the worst displacement situations in the world in terms of both the numbers of people affected and the dire conditions in which many are living. Key aspects of Somali displacement – the protracted and unresolved nature of much displacement, the contested nature of the places where people seek refuge, and the scale and significance of movement – unsettle common assumptions about internal displacement, and point to the importance of understanding the situation of displaced people at destination. Based on primary research with displaced people, political, aid and business actors, as well as secondary sources, this paper highlights the key forces and frameworks which mediate the situation of displaced people. The relevance of local social relations, macro-political authorities and the international humanitarian regime are examined, including how these structures articulate with each other. The paper concludes that much more research is needed to explore the perspectives of displaced people themselves, and to understand the impact of displacement in the Somali territories.
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