Bulletin n. 1/2012
June 2012
  • Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government
  • Section B) Global governance and international organizations
  • Section C) Regional integration processes
  • Section D) Federalism as a political idea
  • Maubernard Christophe
    Vers une possible démocratie "transnationale" européenne? Du discours à la méthode dans l'établissement d'une démocratie européenne
    in Revue de l'Union européenne/Revue du Marché Commun et de l'Union européenne , n. 556, mars ,  2012 ,  185-191
    The idea of a European democracy appears at most as reasonable utopia but most often, it is seen as nonsense, or even as an unbearable contradiction. Indeed though Europe was gradually built around common values and policies, only the states and their people, in a plural form, make up that cooperation space. The impossibility of distinguishing a European people, reluctance of states to give up some claims, difficulties by European Union institutions to raise immediate political adherence, contribute to the apparent lack of a European democracy. Actually, thinking the democracy at a European scale cannot be limited to taking stock of the costs and benefits of the European political and democratic construction since the start. Because in the meantine, the states themselves have gone through a democracy perception crisis (absention, diverse claims, weakining of the welfare state, etc.), whereas in the same time, others are considering the meaning of international cosmopolitism. At the crossroads of those two spaces (state and international), the European Union could at this point of the history of democracy, offer a renewed concept or represent, at lease, a relevant thinking space.
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