Bullettin n. 1/2011
June 2011
  • Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government
  • Section B) Global governance and international organizations
  • Section C) Regional integration processes
  • Section D) Federalism as a political idea
  • Adamson Fiona B., Triadafilopoulos Triadafilos, Zolberg Aristide R.
    The Limits of the Liberal State: Migration, Identity and Belonging in Europe
    in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies , vol. 37, n. 6, Special Issue: The Limits of the Liberal State: Migration, Identity and Belonging in Europe and the United States ,  2011 ,  843-859
    What are the contemporary 'limits of the liberal state' with respect to immigration, citizenship and the rights of ethnic and religious minorities in contemporary Europe? The papers in this special issue of the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies examine how recent developments in Europe raise new questions regarding the relationship between liberalism, migration, identity and belonging. In this introduction, we identify three major themes that run through the papers in the issue—the use of liberal norms by states for exclusionary purposes; the possibility of the emergence of 'illiberal liberalism'; and the extent to which identity politics and policy-making may be increasingly transcending and transforming the limits of the liberal democratic state in Europe. After briefly presenting these three themes, we summarise the arguments of the individual authors and suggest possible directions for future research
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