Bulletin n. 1/2017
June 2017
  • Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government
  • Section B) Global governance and international organizations
  • Section C) Regional integration processes
  • Section D) Federalism as a political idea
  • Iglesias Fernando A.
    It’s Nationalism, Stupid!
    in Federalist Debate (The) , Year XXIX, Number 3, November 2016 ,  2016
    There are some who believe that the European Union is a recent invention; but, to go back to its founding fathers is to arrive at Victor Hugo at the International Congress of Paris (1849): “A day shall come in which war would seem absurd and impossible between Paris and London, as it is between Boston and Philadelphia. A day shall come in which France, Russia, Italy, England and Germany, without losing their peculiarities, will mesh into one superior unity. A day shall come in which bombs will be replaced by the arbitration of a great sovereign senate. A day shall come in which we will see the United States of Europe”. Or at Altiero Spinelli, prisoner of Fascism, and author of the Ventotene Manifesto (1941): “It only takes one Nation to take a step towards totalitarism so as to make the rest, dragged by the will of survival, follow. The first problem that must be solved is the abolition of the definitive division of Europe into sovereign national states”. Or at Churchill in Zurich (1946): “There is a remedy that could turn Europe, in just a few years, into something as happy and free as Switzerland. We must build a United States of Europe to recover the joy and hope that makes life worth living”. Two years later, Sir Winston was elected president of the Congress of The Hague that led to the formation of the Council of Europe, the first political precedent for the European Union.
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